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Sharesight allows you to bulk import your historical buy and sell trades directly from Desjardins. Keep reading to learn how.

How to import your historical trades from Desjardins to Sharesight

  1. On the ‘Let’s get started by adding some trades’ page, select the Desjardins tile from the ‘Broker & Provider Import’ tab on the right-hand side of the screen.

1 - Desjardins tile

  1. From the ‘Looking to import trades from Desjardins’ window, select the Desjardins link.

2 - Desjardins

  1. Login to Desjardins.
  2. Navigate to your trading account and find the link to download your trades. This is typically labelled ‘trades’ or ‘confirmations’.

The correct downloaded file is titled: [Number]historique[Numbers/letters]_[YYYY]-[MM]-[DD]

  1. Open the downloaded file. Some edits are required: in the ‘Market’ column change the country code to the stock market code the stock is held on, e.g. TSE, CNSX, NASDAQ. This is required content for the file to successfully upload. For other stock exchange codes, please refer to the Supported Stock Exchanges help page.
  2. If the ‘Transaction Type’ column contains more than ‘Buy’ and ‘Sell’ transactions, all the other content needs to be filtered out. To do this, use the filter feature in your spreadsheet program.

Then change:

  • 'VENTE - Actions' to 'sell'
  • 'ACHAT - Actions' to 'buy'
Note: When saving the file make sure you save it as a CSV format.
  1. From the ‘Looking to import trades from Desjardins’ window, click the ‘Choose file’ button.

3 - Desjardins

  1. From the ‘Open file’ window, find and select your Desjardins download file.
  2. Click the ‘Open’ button.

step 8 & 9 broker file import

  1. From the ‘Looking to import trades from Desjardins’ window, click the ‘Upload’ button.

4 - Desjardins tile

  1. Select the date format that is used in the downloaded file: International: DD/MM/YYYY or USA MM/DD/YYYY.

step 11 broker file import

  1. On the ‘Bulk Trade Importer - Column Selection’ page, the left side column titles in blue are your CSV file uploading titles. On the right are the Sharesight fields.

Sharesight will automatically suggest Sharesight fields. To change the selections, select from the dropdown menu to match the Sharesight field to your CSV column content.

Map the Column as below:

Your downloaded file Sharesight
Date de transaction Trade Date
Date de règlement Skip this column
Type de transaction Transaction Type
Description Comments
Marché Market Code (amended with Stock market codes)
Quantité Quantity
Prix Price in Dollars
Devise du prix Exchange Rate
Commission payée Brokeage
Montant de l''opération Skip this column
Devise du compte Skip this column
  1. Once all columns have been matched with the correct Sharesight field or ‘Skip this column’, click ‘Start import now’.

step 12 & 13 broker file import

  1. The Trades to import into Portfolio page will show an itemised list of all trades imported from the CSV file. Verify and edit the trade data as required. If trades appear in red, this means that Sharesight can’t upload the trade or the trade will cause errors in your portfolio. The solutions to common errors can be found here.

step 14 broker file import

  1. Once you have verified the trade data, click ‘Save all transactions’.
  2. Once the trades are saved, your Sharesight portfolio will be populated and the Portfolio Overview Page will load.

step 16 broker file import

Sharesight will automatically create dividends and corporate actions for the holdings you have imported.

Your returns will be calculated by Sharesight’s performance calculation methodology, which is a money-weighted return methodology, meaning the investment performance figures take account of the size and timing of cash flows.

After you have populated your portfolio, we recommend you verify and confirm any automatically generated data.